How Not to Produce a Video Resume

A video resume is a great way to help you stand out from the crowd when you’re looking for a job. And in the current job market, any edge you can get over the competition is critical. Many job-seekers are turning to video as a way to showcase their passion and talent. But poorly produced video resumes are also a great way to torpedo your job search. So is it worth your time and energy to create a video resume?

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B2B Online Video: Do Decision Makers Care About Video Marketing?

As mobile and online search continue to grow at exponential levels, much has been written and studied on how to market to consumers through video. Less has been discussed about the value of B2B online video as an effective means of increasing sales.

Fortunately Google and Forbes Insights recently paired up to conduct a study on how video has impacted B2B. They surveyed 306 US executives whose companies report sales of over $500M.  Of these executives, 58% held C-level titles and the reminding 43% were at the senior, decision-making level. These executives came from a variety of industries including finance, information technology, business operations and management.

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SEO Basics for YouTube Videos

People are often surprised to learn that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. We typically think of it as a place to watch cats doing adorable things or people doing incredibly stupid things, but a majority of users are searching this video site for useful information. There is an entire segment of internet users who prefer to consume information through video rather than through text. For that reason, the videos you post should be optimized for search.

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Why Video For E-Commerce? Five Reasons Your Retail Site Needs Videos

If you’re running an ecommerce website, it’s probably time to get serious about incorporating video. Exciting product descriptions, images, and customer reviews are essential elements of increasing sales and reducing returns, but strategically produced video can be the most effective – and efficient way to attract customers, retain customers, increase average order size, and reduce returns.

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Make Your Video Viral for $10: A Review of Virool

Virool is a tool for people who want to promote their online videos. You open an account, upload your YouTube video and Virool distributes your content to different websites around the ‘net as ads.  This is a pay-per-view platform, so you only spend for ads that are seen. Campaigns start at just $10, and views increase almost immediately. Additionally, you can sign up your own website to host Virool videos, and you collect a small portion of the pay-per-view dollars.  Because of this almost too-good-to-be-true ratio of cost to result, many online marketers were left wondering if Virool is a scam, so we decided to take a look and see if the service was worthwhile.

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Incorporate Video Transcripts Into Your SEO Strategy

The internet used to be a place for text and graphics. If you think back to the days of Angelfire (we’re all getting old, aren’t we), you’ll recall that websites were almost 100% text. But as the internet has evolved, people have turned to their browsers and smartphones to consume video. People watch videos on how to do things, to understand the world around them, and of course, to watch animals do cute things. Video has become so important to internet consumption that search engines typically rank videos at the top of their query results. But it’s not only important to have the video on your website or YouTube. Video transcripts can help you reach people who have difficulties hearing, and they give your viewers something tangible they can save and refer to later. But transcription can also have a positive effect on your SEO, as well.

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Five Reasons Nobody is Watching Your Video Content

The moment when internet marketing experts declared video content marketing to be a solid tactic for gaining traffic and rankings, the floodgates opened. Suddenly everyone began slapping videos up all over their websites. Unfortunately, most of these videos did nothing to help traffic or rankings, because nobody was watching them. Creating video for video’s sake is no way to generate clicks to your content.

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Online Video Marketing and Its SEO Advantages

Online video marketing is the new battleground for search marketers.  According to Google Industry Trends by the year 2014 online video will make up 91% of all internet traffic.  Gone are the days where adding alt-tags to your website images earned you a few extra spots on Google.  To rank high today, sites need to have lots of rich media content pieces that are properly optimized for SEO.  And what are a search engines favorite rich media content?  Yup, online video!  But just how exactly does online video marketing improve your site’s SEO?

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How to Distribute Videos Online to Video Sharing Sites

While YouTube makes up about 80% of the online video market, there is still that other 20% nobody wants to ignore.  It makes sense to spend most of your time creating and optimizing a YouTube Channel, but you still will want to distribute your videos beyond YouTube to get that extra traffic.  The only real question is whether distributing your content to other online video sites should be a major or minor part of your internet marketing strategy.

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Top 10 Benefits of Corporate Online Video

Social media is becoming a standard channel for instant communication and internet marketing.  One increasingly popular part of social media is online video.  Corporate and business websites are particularly paying close attention to online video.  It is a new way to engage your customer audience.  Online video builds brand legitimacy, educates your customers, and gets them interested in a highly effective way.  Not only is video being used for advertising, but it’s also becoming a common method of communicating and sharing the benefits of your product, service, or business.

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