May 23, 2013 E3

Make Your Video Viral for $10: A Review of Virool

Virool is a tool for people who want to promote their online videos. You open an account, upload your YouTube video and Virool distributes your content to different websites around the ‘net as ads.  This is a pay-per-view platform, so you only spend for ads that are seen. Campaigns start at just $10, and views increase almost immediately. Additionally, you can sign up your own website to host Virool videos, and you collect a small portion of the pay-per-view dollars.  Because of this almost too-good-to-be-true ratio of cost to result, many online marketers were left wondering if Virool is a scam, so we decided to take a look and see if the service was worthwhile.

Virool Account Setup and Cost

Setting up your account and uploading your videos are a snap. Virool uses PayPal, so payment can be made in a matter of seconds, and once you’re paid you are ready to roll. Many users report increased views of their content within just minutes of completing their setup.

Virool’s minimum campaign is $100, but they allow you to test their service for just $10 if you want to dip your toes in. While you can get increased views this way, don’t expect the skies to open for you with a $10 budget. In all fairness, $100 for a video advertising campaign isn’t that much, so perhaps going with their suggested minimum is the best way to start. Many customers report that their initial $10 is spent within an hour or two, so a higher budget may be a better way help you gauge if the service is right for you.

Targeting Your Video

In order to make Virool work for you, you have to have a targeted message and you must know who you want to see your ad.  Videos are distributed to Virool’s network of developers who allow the ads to be shown on their mobile games, websites, blogs, or Facebook pages. To ensure relevance to their own audience, these developers choose the type of content that they will show. If you don’t truly know your own target audience members, you run the risk of missing opportunities for views.

So, is Virool a Scam?

There are people floating around the web who aren’t satisfied with their Virool experience, but it’s unlikely that those unhappy people planned out their campaign ahead of time. Most of these dissatisfied customers complain that Virool didn’t bring them millions of YouTube subscribers, or that hardly anyone clicked through to their own website. However, for those who took the time to create a great video, set up their account properly, and who really know their audience, Virool seems to be a great way to get video ads in front of potential customers. This leads us to believe the problem may lie with the content creators, rather than in the distribution service.

Making the Most of a Virool Campaign

Before investing in Virool, you should be sure your content is strong, that you provide a clear call to action, and that you keep your expectations realistic. Virool doesn’t promise to make you a millionaire, they only promise to bring you viewers; and on that, they deliver quite well. If you don’t know how to properly market yourself with video, partner with a video production company that does.  It doesn’t matter if ten million people see your video – unless you give viewers a compelling reason to maintain a relationship with you, views won’t convert to clicks or to customers. With strong content and a clear purpose, you can stretch your advertising dollars far with a Virool ad campaign.


Comments (2)

  1. Name

    I hate virool. They lie about the time required to watch their ads. One says “duration .45 and when you open it, it plays over 3 minutes. Another says .45 and it lasts 1:47
    Why can’t they be honest about ir?

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