YouTube Video Marketing Lessons From the Top 100 Global Brands

According to a recent study by Pixability, the top 100 Global Brands all have something interesting in common: They publish a lot of YouTube videos.  The study indicates that these brands produce anywhere from 78 to 500 videos per month.  But it’s not just a matter of cranking out a lot of content. These top brands, including MTV, Disney, and Thompson Reuters, understand the importance of full scale YouTube video marketing and integrating their YouTube channels with their websites, social media, and overall internet marketing strategies.

These top global brands have increased their YouTube publishing rate by 73% since 2009 and collectively generated over 9.5 Billion views.  And perhaps the most striking finding was that only one of the top 100 global brands doesn’t (currently) have a YouTube channel.

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How To Choose The Right Film And Video Production Company For Your Business

When you decide it’s time to include online video in your digital marketing campaign, the process might feel overwhelming. Video can be scary. Will anyone watch? Will anybody care what you have to say? Where do we even begin? A lot of this stress can be relieved by partnering with a film and video production company. But even that can be an overwhelming process.

You’re probably not a video or media expert. Heck, you might not even be a marketing expert. When you’re trying to find the best place to spend your money, it helps to know what to look for. Every company has unique needs, but here are few things to look for when choosing a film and video production company.

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How to Make a Video That Your Customers Will Want to Watch

You have exactly ten seconds to bait your hook and reel in viewers of your video content. That’s not a whole lot of time to make an impression before viewers decide whether or not to continue watching.  Creating video means investing precious time and money, so you want do everything you can to make your content as effective as possible. That’s why it’s important to know how to make a video that will grab viewers’ attention.

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This is Why You Need a Video Strategy for SEO

If you pay any attention to the world of SEO, you know that things have changed quite a bit in the last few years. Tactics that could once skyrocket you to top rankings can now get you banned from SERPs. It’s no longer about how many links you can build. Algorithms are becoming more and more advanced, rewarding sites with quality content that acquire links naturally over time.

Most people immediately think of text when they hear the words, “quality content,” but text alone isn’t the best SEO strategy. Sure, awesome blog posts and informative white papers and eBooks are important, but if you’re leaving video out of your SEO strategy, or if you are using video but aren’t making it a top priority, you are missing a huge piece of the puzzle.  When you properly develop a video strategy for SEO, it can make a significant impact on your results.

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How to Use Instagram Video to Market Your Business

The early verdict is in – users love Instagram Video. Many businesses and brands that had been effectively using Instagram classic were poised to benefit from Instagram Video when it launched earlier this summer.  Some others, however, may still be unsure how to use Instagram video effectively.   Video is one of the best ways to connect with your customer base – that’s why TV commercials have been around for so long. Just like television marketing, there is no one right way or best way to go about marketing through Instagram. But before you produce an Instagram video or video series, it may help to understand a little bit more about the platform itself.

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How Educational Videos Can Give Your SEO A Boost

There are countless ways to incorporate video into your internet marketing strategy, but educational videos are often overlooked. Simple videos that teach your visitors new concepts or take a deep dive into important principles can be a great way to engage your audience and attract new visitors to your website.

Internet marketers and SEO professionals often talk about video as “link bait,” a way to tempt others to link to your website. Positioning videos as link bait means that companies often over-think their videos. They go out of their way to try to be funny or entertaining, and unfortunately, this often ends in a flop.

But educational videos can be a great way to gain natural links and diversify your link profile. Developing a video series like this means you don’t have to try to be funny or cute, you can just be yourself. You can show off what your business does best, help your visitors reach their own goals, and position yourself as a go-to for information.

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Can Online Videos Really Increase Your Sales?

By now you’ve probably heard the saying, “Content is King” when it comes to online marketing. But lately, it seems that video content is quickly becoming the way to attract visitors, improve engagement, and increase sales. While there is no magic formula for producing online videos that will guarantee more sales, the evidence is clear: a well-produced video will help increase your leads and can only help your online marketing efforts.

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YouTube vs. Vimeo: Which is a Better Video Marketing Platform?

The debate about the “best” platform to launch video for business has been raging for years. It can be a tough landscape to navigate, especially if your business is new to video marketing. Last week we took a look at shortform video marketing and whether Vine has been killed by Instagram Video. This week, we thought we’d take a look at YouTube, the granddaddy of video, and Vimeo, the platform that is often regarded as YouTube’s oddly shaped step-cousin.

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Shortform Video Marketing: Instagram Vs. Vine

Instagram sent the social media world abuzz when it launched video sharing in late June. Positioned as a rival to Twitter’s Vine service, Instagram gave every user instant access to create and share 15 second videos.  It didn’t take long for users to declare Vine to be dead in the water. Everyone from 12 year old girls to Gap, Inc. spend a great deal of time on Instagram so this news was great for social media narcissists and video marketing experts, alike.

So where should brands be spending their time? On Instagram, with their 100 million active users, or, on Vine, with its ultra short form video and eternal looping feature? The answer isn’t quite as black and white as many people may think.

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Seven Tips for Producing a Video for Your Business

When you choose to produce a video for your business, you are choosing to make an investment of your time and your money. Every business, regardless of size can benefit from producing a video or video series to promote their products and services.  But every business also runs the risk of blowing an opportunity by creating poorly produced videos. So how can you increase the chances that you’ll get a return on your investment if you decide to add video to your website marketing strategy?

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