August 6, 2013 E3

How To Choose The Right Film And Video Production Company For Your Business

When you decide it’s time to include online video in your digital marketing campaign, the process might feel overwhelming. Video can be scary. Will anyone watch? Will anybody care what you have to say? Where do we even begin? A lot of this stress can be relieved by partnering with a film and video production company. But even that can be an overwhelming process.

You’re probably not a video or media expert. Heck, you might not even be a marketing expert. When you’re trying to find the best place to spend your money, it helps to know what to look for. Every company has unique needs, but here are few things to look for when choosing a film and video production company.

Quality of Work

The easiest way to check out a film and video production company is to look and see what they’ve done in the past. Their website should include a portfolio that highlights some of their best work. Watch a few different videos from start to finish. Note the quality of the audio and picture. Pay attention to the message. Choose videos from different industries so you can get a feel for their style.

Many film and video production companies will only feature highlight reels on their websites. If that’s the case, you’ll want to dig a little deeper. Highlight reels are nice – they give you a great overview of different video styles – but they don’t tell the whole story. Take a few minutes to search for the companies for which they’ve worked. Look at the websites of those organizations, and maybe conduct a quick YouTube search.

If you don’t know what makes a high-quality video, simply ask yourself the following basic questions as you watch:

–  Is the video engaging?
–  Can you clearly hear what people are saying?
–  Are interviews well lit?
–  Do the colors look properly balanced?
–  Are shots framed well
–  What is the font quality of captions?

If the company has never produced a video for your industry, don’t write them off completely. Good storytelling is good storytelling whether it’s for a steel factory or a shoe repair shop. They don’t need to be experts in your field in order to create a compelling video.

They Should Listen to You. And They Should Talk, Too.

A film and video production company that doesn’t listen isn’t worth your time or your money. During your initial meetings, they should ask questions about your business and your goals for your video marketing campaign. Listening is one of the most important qualities of any marketer, video or otherwise. If they don’t make an effort to understand what you do, how can they create effective content for you?

Once they learn a little about your business, they should be able to bring you solid ideas for your video or video series. Video production companies should be creative, and should also have a firm understating of marketing concepts. They should come back to the table with ideas that illustrate they listened to you, and they have a real plan for creating effective content.  If you’ve asked for a series of demonstration videos, and the company comes back with a proposal for a scripted mini-movie, they probably aren’t the right company for you.

Remember, good ideas take time. They may present you with some basic ideas during your meeting, but a good creative group will take everything you’ve discussed and then get back to you with a treatment. It’s also important to remember that your budget will dictate much of the process. As a client, you’ll need to have realistic expectations, and it’s important to be honest with the video production company about your budget in your first meeting.

Ask the Secret Question

A great question to ask a film and video production company – or any potential vendor, really – is, “What makes you different from the other companies we are considering?” If the answer involves a lot of negative talk or bashing of the competition, that’s a red flag. A strong company should be able to articulate their unique value to you without hesitation. They should never feel that they have to bash someone else in order to get your business.

Ask this question at the end of your meeting, after they’ve had a chance to learn about your goals. If they’ve paid attention throughout your meeting, they’ll be able to express why you’d both be a good fit for one another. Really listen to this answer. It can tell you a lot about a company, even more so than their portfolio or their ideas.

Film and Video Production is Part of a Bigger Picture

Your videos will be part of your overall media and marketing campaigns. A good film and video production company will be able to brand your videos accordingly. They’ll create a product that blends seamlessly into your overall marketing strategy. They should have a firm grasp on how to incorporate videos into your website, social media, and other digital marketing platforms.

This can be a relationship that you have for a long time. Video is a very powerful addition to your online efforts, and you should consider adding new video to your site somewhat regularly. Choose a company that you can picture yourself working with a year from now.

It’s quite alright to meet with a couple of film and video production companies to find the right match. Video is an investment of time and money, and it can make a big difference (good or bad) in your marketing strategy. You need to feel that you’re working with creative and capable storytellers.

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