So Long, Keyword Search Data: Google Switching To 100% (Not Provided)

Google has recently hinted that they will soon be encrypting all organic keyword search data. For the last few years, internet marketers have had to contend with the dreaded (not provided) keyword in their Google Analytics, and it’s caused many headaches. According to the website Not Provided Count, 75% of keyword searches are currently masked by Google. That last 25% might not seem like a big deal to people who aren’t versed in internet marketing, but the looming encryption has many people gnashing their teeth.

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Beginners Guide to Google Webmaster Tools

Google Webmaster Tools is a free service that helps you do lots of things, such as checking for malware on your site, moving your site to a different domain, and even identifying what keywords are bringing you search traffic.  If you are a web designer or web developer and have lots of sites to monitor, Google Webmaster Tools can manage several sites through a single account.  This article will show you how to add a site into Google Webmaster Tools and then will provide an overview of the services available.

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