Who Is Sending Viewers Your Way? Three Ways To Discover Video Traffic Sources

Once you’ve put your videos on YouTube and you’ve started attracting viewers, it can be tempting to think, “Well, I’m done with that.” But in order to maintain successful video campaigns, you’ll want to dig a little deeper to discover where those viewers are coming from. If you know which websites, blogs, and social media sites are sending you the most traffic and which are sending you the least, you’ll have a better understanding of where to spend your energy on future videos. There are several places you can look for video traffic source data that you can analyze to help you make better decisions about your online promotion efforts.

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Six Ways YouTube Analytics Can Help You Improve Your Video Marketing

You’ve poured blood, sweat, tears, and big bucks into your video marketing strategy. You’ve strategically placed the videos on your website, put them on YouTube, and optimized them. Now what do you do with them? Creating and placing videos are only the first half of the game. Now that the content is up, you have to track your videos so that you can understand how they are performing. You will need to know what’s working and what’s not so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly. That’s where YouTube Analytics can come in handy.

The data collected in your YouTube Analytics reports can give you invaluable insight into your video marketing campaign. Here are six tips for using this information to get the most from your efforts.

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